
2021 A&WMA Fellow Membership

The Fellow Grade of Membership was inaugurated in 1986 to recognize professional attainment and accomplishments related to the mission and objectives of A&WMA. A candidate for fellowship has a minimum of 15 years of experience in an area served by the Association and has been a member of the Association for at least 10 continuous years. Fellows are recognized for their professional accomplishments and service to the Association based on a process, product, or regulatory development; project leadership; managerial achievement; the education of specialists; peer-reviewed technical publications; patents; and research or theoretical developments.

A&WMA presents the Fellow Grade of Membership to the following individuals in 2021:

Sam Altshuler
Joshua Fu
Philip Hopke

Dr. Joshua S. Fu is the John D. Tickle Professor of Engineering and Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and an Inaugural Professor of the UT-ORNL Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education at the University of Tennessee, and Joint Appointment Professor in the Computational Science and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in environmental and civil engineering subject areas, and is well respected by his students.

Dr. Fu is an excellent advisor and mentor for students at all levels. He has advised eight post-docs, 16 doctoral students, four master students, and served as a committee member for more than 54 graduate students, including doctoral and master students for their research projects, course work, and career planning, and a mentor for more than 150 undergraduate students. He has integrated research with education successfully through his funded projects. Dr. Fu has an excellent research record. The focus of his research work includes air quality; climate change; energy; assessments of intercontinental transport and climatic effects of air pollutants; the impacts of severe weather on health; air toxics modeling; and energy optimization planning.

Dr. Fu has served as Vice-Chair of the World Meteorological Organization’s Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition Scientific Leader Team, a co-author of the Final Report of the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and a reviewing committee member for air quality status in East Asia for the EANET, a governmental consortium in East Asia headquartered in Japan. He was a co-author of Technical Report, Climate Change, and Infrastructure, Urban System and Vulnerability, to Department of Energy and White House in the support of the National Climate Assessment in 2012.

Dr. Fu has been an active member of A&WMA since 2000. Dr. Fu has received 14 professional awards including the A&WMA’s Lyman A. Ripperton Environmental Educator Award and published more than 170 referred journal articles and 110 peer-reviewed conference proceedings. He has been an invited speaker and lecturer more than 100 times in Asia, Europe, and the US. He has been interviewed by more than 30 media to discuss issues of international and national importance on climate change/extreme events and air quality. He recruits young scholars as new members of the Association, and his graduate students are recipients (seven students, three students were awarded more than twice) of the A&WMA scholarships and winner (one student) of the best paper award. Dr. Fu hosts numerous visiting scholars and interns from various universities and institutes nationally and internationally. He directs those young scholars and educators to conduct air quality research and coaches them to develop an educational curriculum.

Dr. Fu is a recipient of the Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Scientists. Dr. Fu obtained his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, MS from UCLA, and BS from Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University.

Joshua Fu

A&WMA Fellow Membership