
Author Resource Center

Thank you to all of our authors, session and panel chairs, and presenters for creating an outstanding technical program! 

ACE 2021 participant instructions 

All contributors are required to upload a bio, photo, profile, and complete the permission form by June 1 and check the Q & A  module frequently during the conference. 
Livestream panel chairs and platform chairs
You will be contacted by your A&WMA session manager to set up a practice session.
  • Panel Chairs:  Add all panelists in the Conference Harvester
  • Develop session outline after practice session and distribute to all presenters and your A&WMA Session Manager before the live session.   (Sample outline)
  • Collect uploaded slides and save as a backup for presenters in the live session
  • Make sure all of your presenters have completed all required tasks
Livestream panelists and platform presenters
  • Upload slides by June 1
  • Participate in practice session at scheduled time, or attend a make up practice session
Technical and Student Poster Presenters
  • Upload poster in one PDF by June 1 (Instructions
  • Record poster audio OR upload pre-recorded video presentation by June 1
  • Participate in live video chat during the live session from 12 pm –1 pm ET on Tuesday, June 15 (instructions to follow) 
On-demand Platform Session Chairs
  • Upload slides for session intro by June 1
  • Record audio for slides OR upload a recorded video link of the introductory presentation by June 1 (Instructions)
  • Make sure all of your presenters have completed all required tasks
On-demand Platform Presenters
  • Upload presentation slides by June 1
  • Record audio for slides OR upload a recorded video link of the introductory presentation by June 1  (Instructions)
On-demand Panel Chairs
On-demand panels are requested to be performed live and recorded using an outside system such as Zoom, Teams, GoToMeeting, etc. and hosted on a server such as Vimeo or YouTube. Panel Chairs will have a task to post the link for the entire session recording. If the entire panel cannot be recorded and uploaded to a hosting site on your own, please contact for assistance.
  • Upload recorded panel link in “Upload Video” task by June 7 
  • Make sure all of your presenters have completed all required tasks
 On-demand Panelists
  • Upload slides by June 1
  • Participate in live recording of session
  • Check Q & A module throughout the conference and respond

Submission Style Guides 


ACE 2021 Technical Program Timeline

Live presenter make up sessions 
June 10, 2021, 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET  
Join meeting

June 11, 2021, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
Join meeting 

June 12, 2021
Last day to upload slides, audio recordings, poster PDFs, and video links

June 14 – 17, 2021
ACE 2021 

Instruction guides and helpful resources 

Technical and Student Poster Presenter Instructions
On-demand Platform Instructions
ARS Q & A Instructions for all presenters 
Livestream requirements 
Screen sharing a PowerPoint in Zoom
How to upload a video to YouTube
Video Chat Instructions  for Poster Presenters 

Also see the Virtual Conference User's Guide and Tech Tips documents on the Support Page
Registration Policy 
Registration includes access to all livestream, and on-demand sessions, tours, networking events, as well as slides, videos, and papers available on the conference website through December 2021.

All attendees and participants, including speakers/presenters/panelists/session chairs/poster presenters (both invited or accepted through the call for abstracts), are expected to register and pay the appropriate registration fee. 
A&WMA’s meeting registration policy is based on the premise that participation in A&WMA conferences is an enriching opportunity and is beneficial to the individual’s company/institution, as it provides individual and company/institution exposure as well as personal professional development opportunities. Presenters and session chairs receive a reduced rate on the registration fees for the full conference.