

Register now for the A&WMA ACE 2021 Virtual Conference and start your journey on the path toward environmental resiliency! 

Online registration is open  
Virtual registration includes hundreds of technical presentations featuring solutions to your environmental challenges:
  • Over 30 livestream technical sessions and events including The Keynote Plenary Session, 51st Annual Critical Review on PFOA and Cancer, Virtual Tours, Panels, Platform Presentations, the Student Keynote, Women’s Professional Development Presentation, Career Panel and more.
  • Hundreds of on-demand sessions and presentations available to view at your own pace through December
  • Unlimited access to the complete technical program including presentation slides and audio, video links, poster gallery and audio, and a question and answer archive available through December 31 and able to be viewed at your own pace. 
  • Virtual networking events to connect with colleagues, presenters, and attendees
  • Opportunities to engage with sponsors and exhibitors who will be featuring products and services through dedicated space within the virtual conference platform 
  • Certificates of participation for live and on-demand sessions included in this conference to be used toward CEUs
  • Access to the conference proceedings containing recordings of all live events, on-demand presentations, full technical papers, links, and download capabilities through December 31

Registration rates
A&WMA Member 
Student Member+
Student Nonmember+
Speaker/Session Chair Member 
Speaker/Session Chair Nonmember 
 and get the member rate for this conference, plus reduced rates on all other conferences, webinars, and publications, subscriptions to EM and the Journal, local Section or Chapter membership, Career Center access, and more. 

If you register as a nonmember, you can choose to purchase a membership during the registration process. 

Full time enrollment verification in a college/university required​. 

The virtual conference registration fee is non-refundable. All attendees and participants, including speakers/presenters/panelists/session chairs/poster presenters (both invited or accepted through the call for abstracts), are expected to register and pay the appropriate registration fee. A&WMA’s meeting registration policy is based on the premise that participation in A&WMA conferences is an enriching opportunity and is beneficial to the individual’s company/institution, as it provides individual and company/institution exposure as well as personal professional development opportunities. Presenters and session chairs receive a reduced rate on the registration fees for the full conference.