
Long-Time Members

A&WMA continues its tradition of recognizing members for their continuous service to the Association by acknowledging those individual members with 30+ years of service. Many of those listed below have volunteered countless hours to aid the Association in providing members with training, education, technical information, publications, and networking opportunities. It is with great pride that A&WMA acknowledges their years of service and dedication.

60+ Years of Continuous Membership

Arthur Benline
Walter Smith
Joseph Soporowski
 David Standley

50+ Years of Continuous Membership
William Auberle
Richard Baldwin
Stephen Baruch
Elmer Berlie
Frederick Boelter
Anthony Buonicore  
Robert Carr
John Chandler
Harold Cota
Chatten Cowherd
Bernard Dailey
Wayne Davis
Paul Farber
Douglas Fulle
A. Roger Greenway
Bob Hall
Paul Harrison
Peter Hess
David Hoffman
Gale Hoffnagle
Lorenzo Iglesias
John Koogler
Joseph Laznow
Michael Lukey
Charles Mann
Justice Manning
Robert McCann
Gary McCutchen
David Mobley
Joe Morgan
Pramodh Nijhawan
Kenneth Noll
Wayne Ott
Thomas Overcamp
Joseph Padgett
Theodore Polychronis
Charles Pratt
S. James Ryckman
Richard Schulze
Gilmore Sem
Richard Siegel
Gene Slice
John Stallings
Louis Theodore
Wilbur Tisch
Richard Walli
Eric Walther
Jesse Wilson
George Wolff
William Zegel

40+ Years of Continuous Membership
Samuel Altshuler
Viney Aneja
Edith Ardiente
Thomas Arnold
Billy Atkins
Michell Baer
Kenneth Barrett 
William Boehler
Roger Brower
David Bubenick
David Calkins
H. Chamberlain
Judith Chow
Douglas Cook
C. David Cooper
Richard Countess
J. Wayne Cropp
Raymond Cummings
Paul Derezotes
Brian Doyle
David Draper
Thomas Easterly
Cary Eaton
Paul Eisen
Donald Elias
Glenn England
David Ernst
Edward Faeder
Rob Farber
Frank Fleer
Paul Fransioli
Scott Freeburn
Luther Gibson
Allen Gillette
David Gilmore
Henry Graham
Jayme Graham
John Grisinger
Joseph Guimond
Jeffrey Hahn
Sara Head
Joann Held
G.M. Hidy
Martin Hochhauser
John Hochstrasser
Robert Hodanbosi
Philip Hopke
Merlyn Hough
Joseph Hower
Gary Hunt
R. K. M. Jayanty
Michael Jury
Joseph Juszkiewicz
Robert Kelly
John Kinsey
Michael Kleinman
John Koehler
Stanley Krivo
Ashok Kumar
Kazuhiro Kuwata
Frank Lambert
Donald Langley
Bernard Leber
Martin Ledwitz
Allan Legge
Kenneth Lensmeyer
Alvaro Linero
James Little
David Long
Lee Lundberg
Frank Maccioli
Thomas Marriott
David Maxwell
Michael Maxwell
Thomas McCabe
Chuck McDade
Charles McGinley
Paula McLemore
Eric Mendelsohn
Barry Millman
David Minott
Jim Morrow
Barry Neal
Roy Neulicht
Walter Niessen
John Olin
Richard Osa
Harry Otto
Ronald Patterson
Ron Petersen
Joseph Pezze
Kenneth Pickering
Norman Radford
Roger Raufer
Rolf Reichel
Ralph Roberson
Gary Rubenstein
Joseph Ruffing, Jr.
Armistead Russell
Alex Sagady
Daniel Schmid
Marvin Schorr
Chris Schreiber
Kenneth Skipka
Philip Slakey
Donald Sodersten
Leo Stander
Paul Stenberg
Kirk Stopenhagen
John Thielke
Raymond Topazio
Alan Trbovich
Richard Tropp
Steven Van Slyke
Robert Van Wassen
John Voelpel
Kit Wagner
Richard Wales
John Watson
Roger Wayson
Myrl Wear
Charles Weschler
James Wilson
Earl Withycombe
Robert Wright
Roger Zygmunt

30+ Years of Continuous Membership
Kimberly Alfonsi
Gary Amendola
Jonathan Amos
Gregg Arney
Paul Aronian
Penny Baccus
Robert Baker
Anne Bamford
Terry Baxter
Ronald Baylor
William Beck
Kay Bedenis
Therese Benkowski
Charles Blanchard
James Blando
David Blaushild
Eric Boyd
Bradford Boyes
Gary Bramble
David Braslau
Julie Brunner
Dominic Buccilli
Alan Butler
Edward Carr
Kip Carrico
David Carrillo
Pietro Catizone
Young-Soo Chang
Freeman Cheung
Lyle Chinklin
Jay Christopher
J. Edward Cichanowicz
Ian Cohen
Louis Corio
Jodie Crandell
Richard Cunha
Scott Darling
Alan De Salvio
Dean DeGhetto
Bernard Delaney
Michael Dewit
Frank Di Genova
Donald Dicristofaro
Tiffany Dillow
Michael Dixon
Raul Dominquez
Gary Douglas
Joe Duckett
Sims Duggins
Alan Dunker
George Dusatko
Douglas Eisinger
David Elam, Jr
Gerald Emison
Larry Erickson
Margaret Farrell
Stephen Felton
Marjorie Fitzpatrick
Joseph Fitzsimons
Peter Flachsbart
James Ford
Robin Franks
John Fraser
H. Christopher Frey
Frank Friedman
Richard Fritz
John Funke
Leigh Gammie
Bill Garber
Ty Gaub
David Gemmill
Alan Gertler
Thomas Gill
Helen Ginzburg
Scott Golla
James Gonzalez
Mark Goodin
Gregory Goslow
David Gossman
Tim Gould
Tony Hansen
James Harrington
Ted Hartman
Sardar Hassan
Stan Hayes
Don Haynes
Jordan Haywood
David Heinold
M. Gary Helm
Tom Herman
John Higuchi
Eric Hiser
Robert Hocks
Beth Hodgson
Judy Hoff
Robert Holden
Richard Holland
David Holmberg
Michael Hopkins
Mark Horne
Ronald Huffman
Roger Isom
Joseph Jackson
Michael Jackson
Jeffrey Jaeckels
James Jahnke
Kevin Jameson
James Johnston
Eric Jones
Sharon Jones
W. Dean Kaiser
Prakash Karamchandani
John Keeling
Kevin Kelly
Russell Kemp
Harvey King
Steven Klafka
Alfred Klausmann
Harry Klodowski
Stephen Kmiotek
Michael Kocak
Michael Kosusko
Bhaskar Kura
Kraig Kurucz
Miriam Levon
Justin Lewis
Charng-Ching Lin
Christian Lindhjem
Harold Lips
David Lipsky
Joanna Livengood
Lisa Lowe
Fred Lurmann
Chris Lutes
Arthur Mabbett
Kristian Macoskey
Kim Marcus
George Marson
Patrick Martin
Vincent Masullo
Melissa McAfee
H. Ron McCollum
David McCready
Thomas McGowan
Kevin McGrath
John McKie
Pleasant McNeel
James McTaggart-Cowan
Christopher Meyer
Michael Miller
Martin Minnicino
Dennis Mitchell
Edward Moretti
Sandra Morse
Patrick Murin
David Murtha
Prahlad Murthy
Lawrence Muzio
Krishna Nand
Kendall Necker
Stephen Nelson
Ahto Niemioja
Terry Nyman
Stephen Ochs
David Ozawa
Robert Paine
Arijit Pakrasi
William Palermo
Brian Palmer
Sucha Parmar
Kenneth Parsons
Barbara Patton
Bernard Paul
Mark Peak
John Pehrson
Robin Pelsis
Brian Petermann
Louis Pocalujka
James Powell
Donald Price
Timothy Prince
Ann Quillian
Ram Ramanan
Frank Randall
Harish Rao
Suresh Relwani
James Renfro
Theresa Rhyne
James Robbins
Mark Rood
Fred Rubel
Kyle Russell
George Schewe
James Schulze
Scott Sheplak
Gary Shiomoto
Robert Sholar
Paul Siebert
Robert Silvestri
Michael Slavick
Mark Smith
Willard Smith
Rodolfo Sosa
Art Spratlin
Steve Stasko
Till Stoeckenius
Marianne Strange
Kenneth Stubbs
David Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Becky Svatos
Todd Tamura
Paresh Thanawala
O C Thompson
Yi Tian
Barbara Toole O’ Neil
Matthew Traister
Leo Tramm
William Troxler
Tony van der Vooren
Samuel Vigil
Craig Volland
Marc Wallace
Thomas Walsh
Richard Watson
Richard Wayland
David Wells
John Wellspring
James Westbrook
Susan Wierman
Jay Willenberg
Ian Wilson
Robert Wilson
Chester Wisner
Daniel Wolf
Douglas Wolf
Joseph Wood
Kenneth Woodruff
Chang-Yu Wu
Victor Yamada
Randall York
Margaret Young
James Zapert
Charles Zarzecki
Brian Zelt
Michael Zimmer