
Young Professionals Advisory Council

A&WMA realizes the value of young professionals (YPs) under the age of 35 to the environmental industry. The Association created the Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) to support the learning and networking opportunities needed to help YPs excel in their careers.  
YPAC PhotoWhat does YPAC do? The YPAC advises the A&WMA Board of Directors and other Councils regarding services and activities to effectively engage YPs. This Council recruits and retains YP members by fostering relationships with current YP members, employers and A&WMA Sections and Chapters. Additionally, the YPAC assists the leadership of A&WMA in the recruitment, retention, and development of YP members to serve in roles within A&WMA and facilitate the integration of student members into the Association upon graduation.

Get involved now! Many of our active YPAC members have transitioned to new leadership positions on the Board of Directors and other technical and supporting committees. All members of the Association, regardless of age, are encouraged to get involved with YPAC activities. 

Chair: Nadine de Bruyn
Vice-Chair: Stephanie Taylor

YPAC is composed of the following committees: 
  • Local Support Committee – Works with A&WMA Sections and Chapters Council to develop and support YP programs at the Sections and Chapter level of the Association.
  • Technical Committee – Develops YP-focused technical programming and works with Technical Council to provide YP sessions at ACE and specialty conferences.
  • Professional Development Committee – Works with Education Council to develops YP-focused professional development programming.
  • Communications Committee – Generates the YP newsletter and maintains the YP LinkedIn group and YPAC webpage.
  • Vitality Committee – Identifies strategies to retain YP members in the Association by facilitating student to YP and YP to general A&WMA membership transitions.
  • ACE Liaisons – Liaises with the ACE Local Host Committee to develop YP-focused networking and technical programs at the annual conference.
  • Publications Committee – Works with the A&WMA Publications Committees to facilitate YP publications in the Journal and EM Magazine.

Young Professionals Advisory Council Officers
Nadine de Bruyn
Nadine de Bruyn
YPAC Chair
Canadian Prairies and
Northern Section
Stephanie Taylor
Stephanie Taylor
YPAC Vice-Chair
Midwest Section
Lindsay Salvador
Lindsay Salvador
YPAC Past Chair
South Atlantic States Section
Research Triangle Park Chapter
Aurelie Marcotte
Aurelie Marcotte
ACE Liaison (2025) and Local Support Committee Chair
South Atlantic States Section
Research Triangle Park Chapter
Fiona Jiang
Fiona Jiang
Local Support Committee Vice-Chair
Golden West Section

Maria (Gaby) Saavedra
Maria (Gaby) Saavedra
Technical Commitee Chair
Southern Section
Georgia Chapter
Ryan Drover
Ryan Drover
Vitality Committee Chair
West Coast Section
Mojave Desert Chapter
Lindsey Thomassee
Lindsey Thomassee
Vitality Committee Vice-Chair
Louisiana Section
Shelley Koehn
Shelley Koehn
Professional Development
Committee Chair
Upper Midwest Section
Fianna Li
Haofan (Fianna) Li
Professional Development
Committee Vice-Chair
Golden West Section
Jake Rattay
Jake Rattay
Communications Committee
Allegheny Mountain Section
Zak Schmidt
Zak Schmidt
Communications Committee

Allegheny Mountain Section
Wesley Hovatter
Wesley Hovatter
Publications Committee Chair
Pacific Northwest International Section
Puget Sound Chapter
Sina Esfandiar Pour
Sina Esfandiar Pour
Publications Committee Vice Chair
Canadian Prairies and
Northern Section