Exceptional Education Contributor Award
Do you know someone who has contributed to education in the environmental engineering field? Nominate them today!
Nominations are encouraged for individuals from all backgrounds who have contributed to A&WMA’s educational mission as implemented through its Education Council. Criteria used to evaluate the nominations are:
• A&WMA leadership positions with educational responsibilities (40%)
• Specific initiatives and/or contributions that have supported A&WMA’s educational mission (60%)
The award recipient will be recognized at the Student Awards Ceremony during this year's Annual Conference & Exhibition in Quebec City.
Nominations should be submitted electronically and should include the candidate’s contact information, professional background, and contributions pertaining to the two award criteria cited above, not to exceed 4 pages with 11-point font. Self-nominations are also encouraged.
Submitted nominations to Robin Lebovitz, A&WMA Education Programs Manager, at rlebovitz@awma.org by April 24, 2019.