
February 2013

In this issue of EM, you will find articles presenting the perspectives of the utility industry, ash marketers and recyclers, state agencies, and environmental groups on the issue of federal regulation for coal combustion residuals.

Inside This Month's Issue


Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation
Jim Roewer
Over 130 million tons of coal combustion residuals (CCRs)—inorganic material in coal that is not consumed or emitted as
gaseous emissions when coal is combusted and is captured by pollution control equipment as fly ash, bottom ash, boiler
slag, and flue gas desulfurization material—are produced annually in the United States. In 2011, 43.5 percent of captured CCRs were used in a variety of applications, including cement and concrete, structural fills, road base, wallboard manufacture, and mine land reclamation. CCRs that aren’t beneficially used are typically disposed of in landfills and surface impoundments. The question of how to best regulate CCRs under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act has long been a vexing issue for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Congress.

The Path Forward for the Regulation of Coal Combustion Residuals
by Jim Roewer

Beneficial Use Holds Steady…For Now
by Thomas H. Adams

States United over Coal Ash
by R. Steven Brown

Legislating Disaster—Solutions Abound, But Lawmakers Lead Nation to Environmental Cliff
by Lisa Gollin Evans

Also In This Issue

Asian Connections: Highlights from the BAQ 2012 Conference—Asia’s Largest Air Quality Management Event
by Sophie Punte and Ritchie Anne Roño

IT Insight: The EH&S and Sustainability Software Market Grows Up
by Jill Barson Gilbert

The Learning Center: Improving Knowledge by Sharing the Know-How
by Jesse Thé

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