S. Smith Griswold Outstanding Air Pollution Official Award
The S. Smith Griswold Award, established by resolution of the Board of Directors on June 29, 1971, is for an individual who has outstanding accomplishment in the prevention and control of air pollution. The recipient shall be a governmental agency staff member (past or present) whose contribution to the prevention and control of air pollution has been widely recognized by persons in the field. The coverage is broad, since it is intended to recognize achievement in the many types of activities conducted by governmental prevention and control programs.
S. Smith Griswold (1909-1971) served from 1954-1965 as Chief Air Pollution Control Officer for the Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District. In 1964, he became Chief of the Abatement Branch of the Division of Air Pollution Control, HEW. When he left the federal government in 1967 to become a Washington, D.C., consultant, Griswold was Associate Director for Abatement and Control. As president of the Association in 1962, he focused international attention on the activities, problems and achievements of air pollution control officers. The S. Smith Griswold Award may be awarded to members and nonmembers of the Association.
Year | Award Recipient(s) |
2024 | Richard A. Wayland |
2023 | Merlyn L. Hough |
2021 | Jeff Koerner; David Thornton |
2020 | Jack Broadbent |
2019 | Dennis J. McLerran |
2018 | Bruce S. Andersen; John (Eddie) Terrill |
2017 | Larry Greene; Charles Pietarinen; Nancy L. Seidman |
2016 | Laki Tisopulos |
2015 | David J. Shaw |
2014 | Richard A. Valentinetti |
2013 | Peter F. Hess; S. Trivikrama Rao * |
2012 | Susan S.G. Wierman |
2011 | Grady T.(Tom) Helms |
2010 | Kenneth Stubbs |
2009 | John A. Paul |
2008 | S. William Becker |
2007 | Margo Tsirigotis Oge |
2006 | Alan C. Lloyd |
2005 | Joann Held |
2004 | Roger C. Westman |
2003 | Richard H. Baldwin |
2002 | Melvin D. Zeldin |
2001 | John C. Elston |
1999 | Gary McCutchen |
1998 | James M. Lents |
1997 | James D. Boyd |
1996 | Thomas M. Allen |
1995 | James K. Hambright |
1994 | Breda Nadon |
1993 | George P. Ferreri * |
1992 | Elmon "Bill" Stewart |
1991 | Gustave Von Bodungen * |
1990 | Bernard J. Steigerwald * |
1989 | Joseph Palomba, Jr. * |
1988 | Eric E. Lemke |
1987 | Jean J. Schueneman * |
1986 | Robert L. Stockman * |
1985 | Danford G.Kelley |
1984 | Victor H. Sussman |
1983 | Milton Feldstein * |
1982 | Harry H. Hovey, Jr. |
1980 | Alexander Rihm, Jr. * |
1979 | Charles R. Barden |
1978 | Don R. Goodwin |
1977 | Morton Sterling * |
1976 | Charles M. Copley, Jr. * |
1975 | William A. Munroe * |
1974 | John A. Maga |
1973 | William H. Megonnell |
1972 | Robert L. Chass |
* Deceased