

The Publications Committee is a standing committee of the A&WMA Board of Directors. It is responsible for providing overall policy and editorial guidance for all publications of the Association, including the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA), EM magazine, technical books and CDs, and associated electronic archives. The objectives of the Publications Committee are to ensure that A&WMA publications are of high technical and editorial quality, directly pertinent to the needs and interests of the Association’s members and environmental professionals in general, and reflect a diverse range of issues and opinions supported by sound science. The Publications Committee may, from time to time, establish subcommittees to assist in ensuring these objectives are met or to address specific issues of interest. A&WMA Publications Committee Manual of Operations.
The JA&WMA Editorial Review Board (ERB) is a standing subcommittee of the Publications Committee. The purpose of the ERB is to evaluate and promote technical excellence in the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA). The ERB may also provide expert advice on issues brought before it by the Publications Committee. The ERB serves in an advisory capacity to the Technical Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor and recommends motions for material action to the Publications Committee that it serves. Duties of the ERB include establishing overall editorial policy for JA&WMA; overseeing and evaluating performance of the Technical Editor-in-Chief; reviewing and approving the Technical Editor-in-Chief’s recommendations of Associate Editors; providing and/or recruiting peer-reviewers of manuscripts; recruiting authors; assisting Technical Editor-in-Chief or editorial staff in resolving issues related to JA&WMA; evaluating the publication process for efficiency and assurance of quality; preparing editorials; and the promotion of JA&WMA to subscribers and potential sponsors. JA&WMA Editorial Review Board (ERB) Charter and Manual.
The EM Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) is a standing subcommittee of the Publications Committee. The EAC provides technical and policy advice and guidance to EM’s Managing Editor. The primary duties of EAC members are to identify topics of interest, solicit articles, and review articles to be published in EM, thereby ensuring that EM meets its mission by publishing timely, informative, and high-quality content each month. The EAC also serves as a sounding board to help the editorial staff understand the needs and interests of A&WMA members and as a resource for finding additional qualified reviewers for articles submitted to EM. EM Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) Charter and Manual.

The Critical Review Committee (CRC). For more than 40 years, A&WMA has solicited and published in the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (JA&WMA) an Annual Critical Review on a topic of critical importance to the air and waste management fields. Each year, the review author presents the Annual Critical Review during A&WMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition. Complete list of past Critical Reviews. The Critical Reveiw Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Publications Committee, selects the review topics, solicits the authors/presenters, offers editorial guidance and critiques to the review authors, reviews the final manuscript before publication, and selects the participants for the panel discussion that follows the review presentation. A&WMA Critical Review Committee Charter and Manual of Operations.