Exhibit at Measurements 2025
Now booking exhibit packages! Expand your business, showcase your products and services, and associate your company name with the premier environmental conference on air quality measurement technology and solutions.
Each booth includes:
Each booth includes:
- 8’ wide x 10’ deep pipe & drape booth
- 6’ draped table with two chairs and wastebasket
- Company identification sign
- One full conference registration
- Logo recognition with hyperlinked listing on the conference website Exhibitors and Exhibitor Profiles page(s)
- Listing in the Final Program, which includes company description and website URL
- Pre- and post-conference attendee registration list
- Networking opportunities in the exhibit hall including session breaks and evening reception
Booth-only registrations, which include meals and social functions, may be purchased for $250 each.
Note: Booths are available on a first-come, first-served basis
The Exhibit Hall is expected to sell out again in 2025. Contact Jessika Keefer at jkeefer@awma.org to register your booth early and secure your space!
Thank you to our exhibitors!