

Food Sustainability: Feeding the World Responsibly

EM—A look at how we might successfully feed the growing human population in a way that is affordable, just, and sustainable.

by Steven P. Frysinger

Our need for food in order to sustain life is one of the few things that all humans have in common, and the production, delivery, and consumption of food are major components of our economies. They also represent a significant fraction of our collective assault on the ecosphere. In addition, issues surrounding food accessibility are often socially destabilizing, sometimes to the point of stimulating conflict, which, besides the obvious social implications, presents a further threat to environmental sustainability.

This issue of EM attempts to dip our collective toes into the very deep water of what is a critical question: how can we feed the growing human population in a way that is affordable, just, and sustainable?

Read the full December 2017 issue of EM.

