
Join A&WMA

If you're a professional or student involved in the environmental industry, NOW is the time to join A&WMA and gain access to the resources you need to stay informed, advance your career, and make a difference. 

As the leading international association for environmental professions, A&WMA has more than 5,000 members, 34 Sections, and 65 Chapters worldwide. A&WMA offers technical information, continuing education, career resources, networking, discounts, and many more benefits! With the constant changes in the industry, A&WMA can help you be among the first to hear about, and respond to a shifting market. Membership is a solid investment in your future and your professional development. 

Membership benefits include: 

  • Discounts of $100 or more off of conference registration fees and $50+ for Webinars. 
  • EM and the Journal exclusive online access 
  • Member EShare free monthly technical content 
  • Continuing Education Certificates to apply for PE, CEU, and CLE credits 
  • Free membership in your local chapter or section 
  • Free access to the Career Center 
  • Leadership and volunteer opportunities 
  • Discounts on publications, products, and subscriptions 
See all of our Membership Benefits now.    
Make a difference for the environment, your company, and your career! 
Consider the benefits of membership as a career insurance policy and take advantage of savings that can easily cover the cost of your annual dues.   

Did someone you know encourage you to join? If so, make sure you write their name in the "Recommended by" line in the Membership Application and they will get credit for recruiting a new member.
Download printable application 

A&WMA offers multiple categories of membership to meet your needs at every stage of professional development.  
Individual  Emeritus Young Professional Student  Organizational
$195 $98 $98 $35 Various 
For any individual in the environmental profession supporting the goals of A&WMA. 

Age 65 and older, plus 15 years of A&WMA membership. Contact customer service if you think you qualify. 
Age 35 & Under.
Discounted annual dues for the first five consecutive years of membership.
For full-time undergrad or graduate students. Includes a free year of YP membership upon graduation!
For organizations with 5 or more professionals who want to reduce costs and gain benefits! Learn more
Membership dues are non-refundable and are due annually on the anniversary date of application. 

International Dues 
A&WMA allows some international professionals to become members of the Association at a reduced rate. These rates are based on the World Bank’s Gross National Income per capita classifications published each year on their website. Dues are based on the individual's country of residence for the majority of the year. International students attending college in the United States would pay the US dues rate.
Gross National Income per capita Annual Professional Dues Annual Student Dues 
Low Income (less than $1086) $10 USD $10 USD
Lower-middle Income ($1086 - $4,255) $20 USD $10 USD
Upper-middle Income ($4,256 - $13,205) $60 USD $10 USD
High income countries (above $13,205), plus US and Canada $195 USD $35 USD

Please contact Gerald Armstrong, Member Services Coordinator, at for additional information on membership dues, benefits, records, etc.