
Atmospheric Environment Subscription

Atmospheric Environment 2025 Subscription

A&WMA members can subscribe to the 2025 online version of Elsevier Science's Atmospheric Environment for US $265. This special price is available to A&WMA members only, and gives subscribers access to all issues of Atmospheric Environment published online in the current calendar year.

Online subscribers will also have access to all articles published in Atmospheric Environment since 1995, as well as the abstract and table of contents for all articles published before 1995.

Purchase your subscription via the Online Store. You will need to be logged in or you will also be charged a 1-year membership. Subscribers will be issued a password and instructions for accessing the publication online early in the month following their payment date.

Receive the special member price for this subscription, plus discounts on conferences, webinars, and publications, subscriptions to EM and the Journal, local Section or Chapter membership, Career Center access, and more. 

Published by Elsevier Science, Atmospheric Environment is one of the most respected environmental journals in the world, covering all aspects of the interaction of people and ecosystems with their atmospheric environment. This includes scientific, administrative, economic and political aspects of these interactions. The main aim of Atmospheric Environment is to provide a scientific understanding of the consequences of natural and human-induced perturbations on the earth's atmosphere. Areas covered include but are not limited to air pollution research and its applications, air quality and its effects, dispersion and transport, deposition, biospheric-atmospheric exchange, global atmospheric chemistry, radiation and climate. Novel results based on experiments, theory and modelling of the atmosphere, extending from local to global scales, are included. Atmospheric Environment publishes research and review papers, special issues and other invited and contributed columns. For more information, visit the Atmospheric Environment Website:

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