
February 2017

In this issue of EM, you will find a discussion of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, or NESHAPs, federal regulations that target the emissions of air contaminants that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to have toxic health effects.

Inside This Month's Issue


NESHAPs: A Glimpse into their Ongoing Evolution
by Brian S. Noel

Urban Health Effects from Air Toxics and their Burden on Small Business
by Jennifer K. Kelley

All Engines Must Comply
by Jeremy Jewell

U.S. Petroleum Refinery Sector Rule
by Charles P. Feerick, Norman L. Morrow, and
Matthew A. Todd

Also This Month...
Family-Run Electronics Recycling: Protect Yourself
by Pamela Heckel
New operating systems make older computers obsolete. New functionality and appearance drive cell phone upgrades. Yesterday’s appliances go digital. As a result, tons of discarded electronics are recycled annually. Yet, very little attention has been given to workers who dismantle or refurbish electronic
devices. This article identifies common exposures associated with recycling electronic waste, or e-waste, and it proposes ways to protect workers who recycle electronics at home.
Temporalization of Small Electric Generating Units
by Hannah Ashenafi et al.
This article discusses an effort undertaken by the Maryland Department of the Environment to more accurately characterize the emissions profile of small electric generating units (EGUs) for the purposes of air quality modeling.


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