A&WMA Participation in the UNFCCC COP Conference of the Parties on Climate Change
In 2017, the Air & Waste Management Association gained official observer status for the UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, the supreme decision making body for the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC). The COP is tasked with reviewing communications and emission inventories and assessing the effects of the measures taken and the progress made in achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention.
“Having official observer status at the COP truly places A&WMA on the international stage with a presence in the room as agreements are being developed and released. While we are not in the business or position of taking a stance on climate change, having the opportunity to engage with other international associations on the topic and bring real-time, high-level communications back to our members on international policy and projects is a privilege that we will use to foster the continuation of progress on this topic,” said Michele Gehring, A&WMA President.
COP26 runs from October 31 through November 12 — Be a part of the action!
This November, Brian Bunger, A&WMA President, will be traveling to Glasgow, Scotland to attend the second week of sessions, events, and exhibits at COP 26 and will be providing updates and insights to the membership through blog posts, pictures, and videos. Mike DeBusschere will be attending virtually the first week to view the available content online.
2021 Blog Posts
Transportation, Draft Cover Decision, and US-China Joint Declaration (Nov. 11)
by Brian Bunger
Glasgow Breakthroughs, Science & Innovation (Nov.10)
by Brian Bunger
Arriving in Glasgow, Scotland for Week 2 (Nov. 8)
by Brian Bunger
Progress Toward NDCs (Nov. 5)
by Mike DeBusschere
Finance & Technology Day (Nov. 4)
by Mike DeBusschere
Earth Information Day (Nov. 3)
by Mike DeBusschere
Heads of State Comments on Climate Change (Nov. 1-2)
by Mike DeBusschere
Conference Overview and Opening Session (Oct. 31)
by Mike DeBusschere
Official COP26 Site
COP 25 Blog Posts (2019)
COP 24 Blog Posts (2018)
Transportation, Draft Cover Decision, and US-China Joint Declaration (Nov. 11)
by Brian Bunger
Glasgow Breakthroughs, Science & Innovation (Nov.10)
by Brian Bunger
Arriving in Glasgow, Scotland for Week 2 (Nov. 8)
by Brian Bunger
Progress Toward NDCs (Nov. 5)
by Mike DeBusschere
Finance & Technology Day (Nov. 4)
by Mike DeBusschere
Earth Information Day (Nov. 3)
by Mike DeBusschere
Heads of State Comments on Climate Change (Nov. 1-2)
by Mike DeBusschere
Conference Overview and Opening Session (Oct. 31)
by Mike DeBusschere
Official COP26 Site
COP 25 Blog Posts (2019)
COP 24 Blog Posts (2018)