
April 2021

This month, EM considers the past, present, and prospective future states of regulatory air quality modeling.


Inside This Month's Issue


Air Quality Modeling: Past, Present, and Future
by Leiran Biton and Tony Schroeder

Air Dispersion Modeling Challenges and Advancements in Guidance over the Past Decade (2010–2020)
Jeffrey Connors and Robert Paine

Present State of AERMOD Development
 R. Chris Owen, Clint Tillerson, Matthew Woody, George Bridgers, James Thurman, and Chris Misenis

Development and Implementation of New Building Downwash Options in AERMOD
 Ron L. Petersen and Sergio A. Guerra

The Future of Air Dispersion Modeling: Where do we go from here?
by Richard Hamel


Also This Month...

Waste Management Corner: Collaboration Is the Key to Successful Edible Food Recovery
by Elizabeth Purington, Amber Duran, Lisa Coelho, and Michelle Leonard

In this month’s article, the authors present two successful edible food recovery programs in California that provide benefits by supporting the local community and reducing the amount of food waste sent to landfill.

Message from the President: Association Succeeds Under Very Difficult Circumstances
by Brian C. Bunger

In Memoriam: Steve Menkus (1950–2021)

Back to Basics: ‘Better know your Association’ -- Sections and Chapters Council

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