
April 2023

This month, EM describes major recent environmental justice actions, what has been driving this push for action, and what has been put in place to ensure the issue will remain front and center for years to come.


 Inside This Month's Issue


Environmental Justice
by Christopher Whitehead

Evolving State Approaches to Environmental Justice in Permitting
by Hilary Jacobs

Youth Activists Are Inspiring Adults to Become More Environmentally Literate

Rhea Goswami

Sustainable Materials Management in the Context of Environmental Justice  

y Tequila Smith and Charles Giordano

Hyperlocal Modeling Combined with Real-Time Sensors Support Localized Community Air Quality Goals
by Ali Akherati, Rei Zhang, Matt Holmes, Martin Parsons, Ralph Morris, Shari Libicki, and Greg Yarwood

Also This Month...

Etcetera: Executive Order 14091 and EPA’s Amended Emergency Response Policies
by Anthony B. Cavender

Message from the President: Prioritizing Environmental Justice

by Jordan M. Haywood

Women’s Professional Development Workshop Preview: The Great Resignation: The Good, The Bad, and The New Working Environment

EPA Research Highlights Roundup: The Latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research News

A&WMA Calendar of Events: What’s on Tap for 2023?

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