August 2023
This month, EM examines the transition in the way electricity is generated and used from different perspectives.
Inside This Month's Issue
Electric Power Industry Transition and Regulatory Landscape
by Justin Walters and John Kinsman
Electric Companies: Leading the Ongoing Clean Energy Transition
by Emily Fisher, Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
EPA’s Efforts to Protect Our Communities, Our Health, Our Planet, and Our Future
by Janet McCabe, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Third Wave of Electricity Policy: Managing Carbon Under Risk and Uncertainty
by Armond Cohen and Kasparas Spokas, Clean Air Task Force (CATF)
Analyzing Air Quality Impacts of Economywide Deep Decarbonization: Challenges and Approaches
by Qianru Zhu, Eladio Knipping, David Young, and John Bistline, Electric Power R esearch Institute (EPRI)
Also This Month...
Post Donora: Climatology and Trends of Temperature Inversions in Southwestern Pennsylvania
by Anthony J. Sadar
A study of surface-based inversions, which contribute to poor air quality.
Message from the President: The Transportation Sector in Focus
by Jordan M. Haywood
A&WMA Calendar of Events: What’s on Tap for Fall?
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