
June 2015

In this issue of EM, you will find a special preview of A&WMA’s 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition in North Carolina’s state capital, Raleigh. Part of the famed Research Triangle area, which is also the location of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s premier research facility, and known as the “City of Oaks” for its many oak trees that line the streets, Raleigh boasts numerous cultural, educational, and historic sites and is home to several major universities and colleges.

Inside This Month's Issue


A Special Preview of A&WMA’s 108th Annual Conference & Exhibition

A Summary of the 45th A&WMA Critical Review: Air Quality and Climate Connections
by Arlene M. Fiore, Vaishali Naik, and Eric M. Leibensperger

Managing Air Quality in a Changing Climate: Where Do We Stand and Where Are We Headed?
by Yang Zhang

Effects of Intensively Managed Agriculture on the Atmospheric Environment
by Viney P. Aneja, William H. Schlesinger, and Saurabh P. Aneja

Also In This Issue

EPA Research Highlights: Complex Air Measurement Data Made Understandable with RETIGO

IT Insight: The New Face of IT
by Jill Barson Gilbert

PM File: Profit or Cash Flow?
by David Elam, Jr.

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