
May 2023

This month, EM discusses the scientific basis for EPA's proposal to tighten the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), and its potential implications.


 Inside This Month's Issue


Lowering the PM NAAQS
by John Kinsman and Yiqiu Lin

Headroom for Development Under EPA’s Proposed Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
by Gregory Stella

Understanding the Impact of a Lower Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard

by Michael Abraczinskas, Jason Meyers, and Jason Sloan

PM2.5, Wildfire Smoke, and Exceptional Events in the Western United States  

y Mary Uhl, Rhonda Payne, and Jay Baker

Also This Month...

Message from the President: A Year of Outstanding Learning and Networking Opportunities
by Jordan M. Haywood

In Memoriam: Peter K. Mueller, 1926–2023

EPA Research Highlights Roundup: The Latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research News

A&WMA Calendar of Events: What’s on Tap for 2023?

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