
October 2015

In this issue of EM, you will find a discussion of at how institutions of higher education and learning in the United States are faring in their quest to fully integrate environmental stewardship and sustainability into the higher education experience.

Inside This Month's Issue


Walking the Talk
Higher Education and the Sustainability Challenge: Integrating Knowledge and Practice for Environmental Stewardship

Steven Frysinger and James Winebrake

A Gathering of Minds: 10 Years of the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference
by Aynsley Toews

Pathways to Walking the Talk
by Jennifer deHart, Emily Schosid, Andrea Trimble, and Christie-Joy Hartman

The Campus as a Living Laboratory—Engaging the RIT Campus
by Enid Cardinal

Trends in Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Programs
by Shirley Vincent

Also In This Issue

IT Insight: 10 Software Strategies Inspired by Freeway Construction
by Jill Barson Gilbert

EPA Research Highlights: Southeast Focus of Large, Coordinated Air Quality Study

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