
October 2019

In this issue of EM, you will find a discussion of the federal regional haze program through the perspectives of key federal, state, and multi-jurisdictional stakeholders involved in implementing the program.

Inside This Month's Issue


Implementing the Clean Air Act’s Regional Haze Program to Improve Visibility in the United States
John Kinsman and Gary Bramble

Tracking Visibility Progress for the Regional Haze Program: Current Status and Recent Updates
Brett Gantt and Brian Timin

State Perspectives on Planning for Continued Regional Haze Progress
Jason Sloan, Stuart Spencer, and Nancy Vehr

Visibility Improvement Efforts and Progress in the Southeastern States
John Hornback, James Boylan, and Randy Strait

Western States’ Progress Toward Submittal of Second Planning Period Regional Haze SIPs
by Mary Uhl and Tom Moore

A Western Utility Perspective on the Second Round of Regional Haze Planning
by Reuben Plantico

Regional Haze Rule Implementation: Differences Between the First and Second Planning Periods
by Christine Chambers and Jeremy Jewell

Also This Month...

PM File: The Success Factor
by Dave Elam
An additional metric, the revenue factor, provides information about firm productivity and can help a firm better understand its competitive position—and its prospects for success—because it truly points to the productivity and/or efficiency of the firm.

Message from the President: the President: Making Plans for Fall (and Beyond)
Michele E. Gehring

Back In Time: October 2014


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