
August 2020


This month’s focus topic looks at the changing view of air toxics--those gases, aerosols, or particulates that can potentially result in serious health concerns or damage to the environment under specific concentrations and/or exposures--and how regulations and guidance are addressing growing public attention across the United States.

Inside This Month's Issue


Air Toxics Across the United States

by Teresa Raine

The Changing View of Air Toxics on the West Coast of the United States
by Grace Lee, Megan Moreen, Rodrigo Gonzalez-Abraham, and Monica Wright

Summary of Air Toxics Permitting and Health Risk Assessment in New York and New Jersey
by Josh Hemperly, David T. Murtha, Tracey A. Karatas, and Toby Hanna

Waste Management Corner
In this month’s article,
the author discusses various low-cost composting solutions in Lebanon.

Composting Solutions for Rural Municipalities in Lebanon: Low Tech, Low Cost, and Locally Integrated
 Antoine Abou Moussa

Also This Month...

YP Perspective: Global Disease and Air Quality in a Changing Climate
by Kim Frauhammer
Through the lens of the current global pandemic, a look at some of the existing challenges, such as environmental degradation, decreasing air quality, and climate change, that continue to put the human population at risk.

Message from the President: Changing Views on Air Toxics … and Everything Else

Kim Marcus

Back In Time: A look at the 2002 Critical Review, "Visibility: Science and Regulation" by John G. Watson


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