
Environmental Justice: Policy, Practice, and Progress

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Join the discussion on the critical topic of Environmental Justice!

Building on the success of the inaugural conference in October 2023, the Air & Waste Management Association is pleased to announce its second specialty conference—Environmental Justice: Policy, Practice, and Progress—on December 4-5, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare hotel in Rosemont, Illinois.
The Chicago regional area is on the forefront of research and solutions in EJ and this conference will capitalize on local experts to share solutions and opportunities to learn about the latest scientific, legal, regulatory, communications, policy and other issues related to environmental justice. The conference provides a neutral forum to discuss challenges and progress being made to advance equity. 

If you're with a government agency, industry manufacturer or supplier, consultant, community group or nonprofit, law firm, or university/research organization, this conference will help you find solutions and connect with others to advance your EJ mission. 

Sponsorship and display opportunities are available! Contact Jessika Keefer at to learn how you can maximize your company's exposure.

Thank you to our sponsors! 

                                                                     Gold Sponsor