
MEGA Technical Program

Discover solutions as the industry transitions to cleaner, more reliable electric power!

The 2023 Electric Power Transformation Symposium will provide the latest technical information, solutions, and insights on policy developments; methods for managing compliance; and new technologies and environmental controls. 
 (updated 9-22) Check out the speakers, sessions, and panels!
Opening Plenary Session — Tuesday, September 26

Plenary Speaker Bios 
Lindsay Baxter, Manager, Regulatory and Clean Energy Strategy, Duquesne Light 
John Walliser, Senior Vice President, Legal and Government Affairs, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Rich Fitzgerald
Allegheny County Executive


Plenary Session: Key Issues for Clean and Reliable Energy — Wednesday, September 27 

Gary Helm, Principal Energy and Environment Strategist, PJM Interconnection  Stephanie Grumet, Senior Policy Advisor, US EPA
Peter Balash, Associate Director, National Energy Technology Laboratory M. Granger Morgan, 
Hamerschlag University Professor of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University


Conference sessions and panels will be organized into two tracks on Energy Policy and Technology and Environmental Policy and Technology and cover an inclusive range of topics critical to the energy industry, including: 

Climate Change Policy  Power Generation Technologies
ESG Disclosure Carbon Capture and Storage 
CAA Regulation  Transportation 
Siting and Permitting  Air Emissions Controls 
Environmental Justice  Waste and Water Issues 

In addition, two panels will bring high level discussion on critical issues for electric power. 

OEM Discussion Panel — Hydrogen and Ammonia Combustion in Gas Turbines 
Gas turbine (GT) OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) will discuss their H2 combustion technology status, the various challenges encountered, and the primary issues of concern related to this paradigm shift in electricity generation.  In addition, OEM’s discuss ammonia combustion, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), proposed so-called ‘hydrogen hubs’ (H2Hubs), and potential impacts of the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) on their operations. Speakers include: 

  • Andrew Dicke, Senior Environmental Engineer, GE Vernova
  • Jordan Haywood, Discipline Expert, Environmental Engineering, Siemens Energy
  • John Pare, General Counsel, Power Systems Manufacturing
  • Mark Peak, MHI, Principal Environmental Engineer, Mitsubishi Power
Reliability—ISO/RTO Perspectives Panel

Independent Service Operators (ISOs) and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) coordinate, control and monitor the electric grid, including the market pricing in a defined geographical area. They are responsible for ensuring reliable delivery of electrical power to customers as well as ensuring that future power needs are met. As such, ISOs and RTOs are critical stakeholders in the major changes the U.S. electric grid is undergoing. Driving the course of future change are energy generation technologies and efficiency options, their capabilities, and costs, state/federal legislation and rules, and research on technologies. In parallel, flexibility, affordability and reliability of the electric grid remain crucial. This panel will address aspects of a reliable energy transition from the ISO/RTO perspective. Speakers include: 

  • Patrick Boughan, Supervisor, Economic Studies and Environmental Outlook, ISO New England, Inc. 
  • Casey Cathey, Senior Director, Grid Asset Utilization, Southwest Power Pool
  • Benjamin Cohen, Technical Specialist Planning Environmental Engineering, New York Independent Systems Planning Operator 
  • Quintin Thompson, Policy Studies Planner, Midcontinent Independent System Operator