
Freight & Environment Technical Tour

Port of Corpus Christi 

Monday, September 30, 3:15 - 5:15 pm 
Cost:  $20
Limited spots still available!  Register now. 
Join the Port of Corpus Christi for a tour of the Inner Harbor, leaving from the new state-of-the-art Executive Administration Building. The tour will include a one-hour narrated cruise along the Port’s Inner Harbor, including a close-up view of the construction of the new Harbor Bridge, the longest cable stay bridge in the US, upon completion. Other sites to be seen on tour include the Port’s public and private docks where cargo such as bulk materials, bulk liquids, wind cargo, etc., are transferred. Also, see the fourth and final phase of the Channel Improvement Project, projected to be completed in early 2025. The Port of Corpus Christi also has several other infrastructure projects in development or under construction, which can be seen on the tour, including improvements to its Bulk Terminal docks, upgrades to Cargo Dock 9 – which handles break bulk cargo, like wind farm components – and expansion of Oil Dock 1. The latter project will make Oil Dock 1 the first of the Port’s Inner Harbor docks to accommodate the new 54-foot channel depth.

As a leader in U.S. energy export ports and a major economic engine of Texas and the nation, the Port of Corpus Christi is the third-largest port in the United States in total waterborne tonnage. Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico with a 36-mile, soon to be 54-foot (MLLW) deep channel, the Port of Corpus Christi is a major gateway to international and domestic maritime commerce. The Port of Corpus Christi has excellent railroad and highway network connectivity via three North American Class-1 railroads and two major interstate highways. With an outstanding staff overseen by its seven-member commission, the Port of Corpus Christi is “Moving America’s Energy.”