
Education Council

The Education Council is responsible for professional development, training, and K-12, secondary, and post-secondary education programs. 

The mission of this Council is to encourage adequate human resources in the fields of air and waste management, improve the knowledge and skills of members and professionals, and exchange information to improve environmental knowledge and decisions.
The Professional Development Division develops and delivers training programs on leading-edge topics within the realm of air and waste management such as webinars and courses.  The division constitutes a webinar committee and a committee for the professional development of women. Volunteer commitment includes review of course material, coordinating with the program delivery and attending meetings. For more information, please contact Chair Shashi K Pathak.
Webinar Committee
Support the webinar committee by volunteering! Participation on the committee requires minimal time commitment. It is an easy way to network with experts across the environmental arena.  The committees primary responsibilities are: review webinar proposals for viability, assist with planning and development, and solicit speakers and moderators to participate. For more information, please contact Chair Jason Midgett.

Committee for the Professional Development of Women
The mission of this committee is to draw upon the unique perspectives and talents of women to further the goals of the Association and to mentor women in the profession.

The Higher Education Division develops student programs to encourage interest in the field, and assists students with higher education through scholarship and awards. For more information, please contact Chair Paul Algu.

The Public Education Division develops and delivers materials used to educate members, environmental professionals, the media, educators, and the general public about environmental issues and encourage members to become actively involved in environmental education efforts. For more information, please contact Chair Rashmi Pathak.   
K-12 Committee
Check out our new lessons!  Be a part of educating the next generation of Environmental Professionals by helping K-12 environmental science teachers.  We are working on revitalizing the K-12 education committee and are looking for K-12 teachers to volunteer and help with our committee. The educators/teachers would help review our existing lesson plans and provide insights on how to enhance them to satisfy the requirements of the 21st century science classroom. For more information, please contact Chair Elizabeth Spike

Want to learn more or get involved? Contact the Education Council Chair or Vice Chair for details.

Ram Ramanan

Vice Chair
Georges Bou-Saab

All Association members with interest in education and training are encouraged to participate in its activities by joining the committees of the Education Council.