K-12 Education Resources
The mission of A&WMA includes being a neutral forum for information exchange, professional development, networking opportunities, public education, and outreach and we aim to accomplish that through the work of many councils and committees, including the K12 Education Committee.
This committee has developed teacher resources to help in leading lessons to get students more involved and excited about environmental science.
Science and Engineering Practices for Online Air Quality Education is a three-part lesson developed by the Air & Waste Management Association's K12 Education Committee. There are three assignments and supporting resources for students in grades 6-12 to engage, explore, explain, extend and evaluate air quality between their school and another site.
Here are the resources you need to get started!
Please review the Teacher Page for guidance to facilitate Science and Engineering Practices for Online Air Quality Education first.
Assignment #1: How can we communicate air quality to the broader community? |
Assignment #2: Triple Bottom Line Assessment of the EPA AQI Flag Program |
Assignment #3: Communicating Air Quality Communication and Reflection |
These assignments were designed to be student-directed with teacher support as needed. Each assignment a formative assessment.
Assignment #1 has two formative assessments, using the IDEA tool and Cause and Effect flow charts. The teacher prompts the students to complete each handout in small groups or the entire class.
Assignment #2 also has two formative assessments. They are the EPA AQI Flag Program Facts and How will you propose your school incorporate the EPA AQI Flag Program? The former is flexible for use with small groups or the entire class, while the latter starts with small groups of students and ends with sharing proposals with the entire class.
Assignment #3 is a performance-based assessment called Communicating Air Quality Evaluation and Reflection. This assessment addresses technology tools and creativity and collaboration skills.
If you would like get involved, or have questions, contact:
Georges Bou-Saab, georges.elias.bousaab@gmail.com
Joann Held, joannheld@comcast.net
Elizabeth Spike, airqualityeducation@gmail.com