

Professional Development Courses

Gain hands-on learning with professional development courses offered prior to the conference on Monday, March 18, 2019.  Course registration includes refreshment breaks and a copy of the course manual.  The course registration fee IS NOT included in the regular conference registration. For more information about the courses, contact Robin Lebovitz at or +1-412-904-6020. 

Introduction to AERMOD     CANCELED 
Monday, March 18, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Instructor: Michael Hammer, Lakes Environmental Software
Member $250/Nonmember $350
Note - Attendees are required to bring a laptop to fully participate in hands-on case studies.

This full-day course provides attendees with a full understanding of the AERMOD modeling system by balancing theory with hands-on, real world case studies. At the end of this course, participants should be able to understand the basics of regulatory air dispersion modeling for permit applications and risk assessments. Topics covered by this course include:
• Physics of air dispersion and atmospheric physics
• Meteorological pre-processing with AERMET
• Terrain processing with AERMAP
• U.S. EPA NAAQS overview
• Comparison of AERMOD to other models

Introduction to CAMx with Single-Source Discussion
Monday, March 18, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Instructors: Ralph Morris and Bart Brashers,  Ramboll US Corporation 

Member $150/Nonmember $250

This course will be a 4-hour Introduction to Comprehensive Air-quality Model with extensions (CAMx; photochemical grid model (PGM).  The course will provide a basic overview using a lecture-oriented presentation material on the basics of photochemistry and modeling; an introduction to CAMx, its features, data/computer requirements, Probing Tools, and new CAMx developments; and how CAMx is used in the regulatory modeling process.  In addition to use of the CAMx model for regional air quality planning for ozone, PM2.5 and regional haze State Implementation Plans (SIPs), the course will also include a discussion and examples for using CAMx for single-source assessment modeling.  A comparison of CAMx with EPA’s Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) will also be discussed.  Issues related to the hands-on operation of CAMx will be presented, but actual hands-on training will not be included in this short course.  Use of the Windows version of CAMx and operating CAMx on the Cloud will also be addressed.

Introduction to SCICHEM 3.2
Monday, March 18, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Instructors: Prakash Karamchandani, Ramboll US Corp. and Doug Henn, Xator Corp.
Member $150/Non-Member $250

This half-day course introduces SCICHEM, a non-steady state Lagrangian puff model that can be used to study the impact of single or multiple sources on primary pollutants as well as secondary pollutants, such as ozone and secondary PM2.5. Photochemical models with a complete treatment of gas-phase and aerosol chemistry are the preferred method for a Tier 2 demonstration approach. Such models include photochemical grid models (PGMs), such as CMAQ and CAMx, as well as Lagrangian models, such as SCICHEM. SCICHEM includes chemistry modules comparable to those in CMAQ and CAMx for far field applications and secondary impacts, and an optimized chemistry scheme for near field applications for 1-hour NO2. The latest version of the model, SCICHEM 3.2, is publicly available on GitHub.